Visit from Estonia

It was a great pleasure for us to host an Estonian group from Visit Virumaa and North East Estonia tourism cluster this week! The group of 8 Estonian travel professionals arrived on Tuesday June 14 to visit the sights of Kotka, Hamina, Loviisa and Virolahti, and to benchmark the way in which Visit Kotka-Hamina DMO markets and develops its travel destination.

Visit Virumaa is currently building a DMO including both western and eastern Virumaa and for that end they visited Visit Kotka-Hamina to come up with ideas on how to build a well-functioning regional organization for destination marketing. The two-day visit was a definite success for both parties and an absolute joy to come together with multiple ideas on how to market our beautiful regions also in the future.

Our tour took our visitors to the following top destinations in our region:

A warm thank you for your visit

  • Meelis Kuusk, Marketing Manager for East-Viru 
  • Ingrid Kuligina, Coordinator for East-Viru Finland project
  • Timo Raussi, Marketing Consultant for Visit Virumaa
  • Karin Reinberg, Coordinator for West Virumaa, Project Finland
  • Kaarin Vask, Visit Estonia, Specialist for Digital Media
  • Moonika Kõrre, Entrepreneur, Bremmer Tours 
  • Enno Must, Entrepreneur, Jäneda Manor
  • Kadri Jalonen, coordinator of Ida-Viru tourism cluster

At Visit Kotka-Hamina we are extremely happy for this cooperation and we are hoping for more visits in the future!