Seilori Jepsu Cruises

Are you in the mood for the sea? How does a day on the water sound, or perhaps a weekend getaway to a deserted island? Set off for a relaxed day in the unique Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park aboard the classic M/S Misu boat.

Seilori Jepsu invites you on a nostalgic journey through Kotka’s archipelago. Embark on a trip to Ruotsinsalmi, for instance, traveling back 230 years to the scenes of the Baltic Sea’s largest naval battle. Explore the areas where Russian and Swedish ships once stood, uncover the sites of many renowned shipwrecks, and envision the thunder of cannons amidst the surrounding island cliffs. Take in the maritime views from the walls of Kukouri fortress island, cruise around Kotkansaari, or venture to one of the many picturesque islands off Kotka’s coast, each with its own distinctive allure. Jepsu tailors each excursion to your preferences and shares fascinating local history along the way.

For more information on cruises, visit Seilori Jepsu’s website.